Mar 28, 2011

Tennis Made Sexy by Serena Williams

I've been playing tennis for many years now but have only played the Top Spin tennis video game probably once my entire life.

For those of you who don't know what Top Spin is, it's a video game that hosts both men's and women's pro-athletes in the game and lets you play against them as your own character or as another pro. Of course, all you do is play tennis matches on the game, but it is pretty fun if you are into tennis and like video games.

Sounds bland? To those who don't play tennis, that's most likely the case. I'm thinking that with that thought in mind, Top Spin decided to take things up a notch--or maybe even too high up a notch? Their most recent commercial for Top Spin 4 was actually banned from TV---really?  Who would've thought a tennis video game advertisement could be considered racy? The "sexy" advertisement led to the banning of it on TV and when something is banned on TV you can almost bet it'll end up somewhere on YouTube, and sure enough I found the commercial.

When I was watching this, all I could think of was "why?"---I mean c'mon was it really necessary for those outfits to be used for that commercial? It's not relevant whatsoever, but is trying to pull the old "sex sells," bit in hopes that Top Spin 4 will appeal to not just tennis players effective in gaining everyone else (or in particular guys who think they'll be seeing those kind of outfits on the avatars of the game).

I can't help but wonder if they really thought the commercial would help reap in sales or if they just knew it would be banned and thus leading more people to actually go and check out the advertisement to see what the fuss is about. As of right now it has 21, 942 views and counting---not to mention the demographic of people watching it: males ranging from ages 25-54. In all fairness, that's the demographic that will buy the video game so if anything the advertisement has done it's job.

I personally think if it wasn't for the "butt-shots" it wouldn't be so racy and maybe even prevented it from being banned on TV. I will also say even though I was confused as to why Top Spin 4 went about this route, it's actually kinda funny to me. I first heard about this commercial through my brother, who is also a tennis player, and he even said the commercial was racy and weird. (I'm so proud!)
However, I also have to say how is it any different from the Victoria's Secret ads? (Devil's Advocate much?)

No matter what the motive is behind an advertisement, everyone understands the goal is to the get a buzz going. However, does this ring true with, "not all publicity is good publicity" ? Join everyone else and judge away.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I had not heard about this before, but I can always count on fellow classroom bloggers for interesting news. I guess you're right--causing buzz is usually what counts. I've even heard the quote "even bad PR is good." So basically, getting noticed will help spread awareness of a product, person, or service. I hate to go back to Charlie Sheen, but I really hadn't heard all that much about him until the recent "winning" stunt. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens with Serena Williams!
